Thursday 9 January 2020

You don't look depressed

Mania is funky and fashionable whereas depression doesn't have a "look" or any dress sense. You barely not have the energy to put clothes on. A depressed soul doesn't float around wearing a black robe looking like the grim reaper. I'm not death, although it plays on the mind.

They don't come across as depressed or want you to know how lonely and anxious they feel on the inside. The depressed show a "shop front of strength", we don't come across as on the edge or unable to face life.

People don't always notice because we hide it so well. Even those closest to you miss the signs and symptoms or maybe they think you are just having a bad day or in a quiet mood.

You pretend there's nothing wrong. In reality you're off lost in your thoughts and feelings. Telling them is extra burden, more anxiety. You don't want any fuss or to make them worry too.

Maybe you feel like it's not bad enough or you don't deserve to get help. You don't want to cause a health scare. You'll feel silly going to the doctors.

You cry alone and behind closed doors.

You start feeling constantly tired and run down yet you can't rest or get a good night's sleep because your mind can't forget and you can't switch the feelings off.

You lack motivation for practically everything. Before long you can't fit in and don't want to attend any at social events. You feel alone and worthless. You think you are weak.

You keep the upset and pain a secret. Then a sense of guilt and shame kicks in which you beat yourself up about.

The stress is building and your nerves are on fire and you don't wear a t-shirt or have a tattoo on your forehead that says "I'm feeling depressed".

Don't let it get worse.

It takes bravery to admit to family and friends how you feel. To tell them your dark thoughts and how scary your world is.

Keeping it quiet and avoiding the issue will only lets your depression build up and get worse. You aren't mad. You can ask for help, people will listen and understand.

Hiding mental illness and not getting treatment can escalate and lead to other dark paths like addiction, broken relationships, self harm and suicide.

Depression is full of fake smiles and broken dreams. But there will come a time when its stress breaks and overwhelms you and you'll fall apart.

You don't have to feel ashamed. If you're struggling let someone know you're depressed so you can stop cheating yourself and talk about it. Silence is not golden.

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