Depression Tips

Self Help For Depression:

I don’t have all the answers and I can’t tell you exactly how to recovery and beat depression because the effects and symptoms are personal to you but here are some of my self help depression tips to help you cope and manage to get through each day.

It may feel you are alone, anti-social and that no one can understand what depression does to you. I know the last person you feel like helping is yourself because of the hopelessness, fear, self pity and panic infecting your mind and yet it is possible to turn the despair of depression and loss in to hope.

Depression makes you feel useless, vulnerable and a failure. With my depression tips you can reduce the pain, suffering, regain your confidence and return to normality.

  • Accept how you are feeling, be honest with yourself and talk about it to others. Speak out about how you’re feeling and dark thoughts you are experiencing. Try and explain to people what you are going through.  You are not alone. You may be scared of admitting how you are feeling in case people treat you differently or like some kind of weirdo but bottling it up causes more internal damage.
  • Don’t be afraid to visit your doctor and get professional medical help, especially if you are having suicidal thoughts or are consider harming yourself. Depression is nasty illnesses so don’t try and cope with it on your own. Don’t remain silent and alone in your illness. If you are placed on medication make sure you take it as advised.
  • Trying to control and challenge your negative thoughts and reducing negative thinking and feelings play a big part of overcoming depression. You may believe everything is your fault and everything goes wrong for you. Depression comes with lots of overwhelming emotional baggage such as feeling useless, worthless, guilt, anger, regret, shame, Dwelling on these thoughts, emotions and past events sends you in circles.
  • Your motivation and energy sinks when in depressive state. You feel tired, fatigued and too lethargic to move or do anything which results in you doing less and less. It helps to perform activities or set goals to perform each day. Scheduling and performing tasks each day will give you a sense of purpose and achievement. When achieved ensure you reward and give yourself a “pick me up” or little treat to help motivate your mind. Keep your activities and goals realistic and don’t overdo it or push yourself too hard. Slowly build up your goals, tasks and activities, trying to do too much will set yourself up to fail and damage your expectations.
  • In spite of feeling tired and drained of energy engaging in physical exercise and other activities can help improve your mood and regain your interest in things. Going for a walk, getting some fresh air and been outside with nature can help perk you up and lift your mood. You can use exercise and physical movement to burn off bad feelings and negative energy.
  • Sleeping patterns become a problem with depression and sufferers usually experience insomnia and tiredness and oversleeping. My advice is to try and get some rest and sleep when you feel tired and occupy yourself when you have energy or can’t sleep. Even if its 3am get up and do something to aid your mind from over clocking thoughts.
  • Your hunger and eating habits can be affected by depression. Consider your eating habits and try to stick to a routine at mealtimes even if your appetite has dwindled. Make sure you eat health foods and a balanced diet so your body has the energy to fight the illness. Also avoid alcohol and other unprescribed drugs. These aren’t good for you when suffering from depression or a bipolar mania episode.
  • Trying to bring some enjoyment and purpose back is central to depression recovery. It’s important to distract your mind rather than focusing on unhelpful thoughts. Give your attention to activities which are important and purposeful to you. You can’t be forced to take pleasure in things but please attempt to have some fun and let your hair down.
  • Get back in to the stuff, hobbies, sports and interests you used to enjoy. Try something totally new where you can express yourself and get creative. Draw pictures, write a blog or diary about how you are feeling, try to keep yourself occupied have some “me time” - Listen to some uplifting music, sing, watch a funny film, read a book, do some meditation, relax and pamper yourself and use anything that works and eases the mental burden.

Depression makes you focus on the worst possible situation and the fear of things that could happen in the future or dwelling on the past. Mental illness clouds your judgements and perception of the world. What you are thinking or fearing is not necessarily reality or matter of fact. When you start drifting in to negativity try thinking of happier times and peaceful memories in your life.

Treat yourself as kindly and as gentle as possibly. Often it feels like nothing will change or improve but it will take time to recover from depression and enjoy your own company again. You may lift your sprites and think you are out of the hole only to relapse and fall back down. Just remember you can get through this, it does get better.

Try using these depression tips as best you can, recovery is not a race to the finish line and getting well takes time. During depression and the recovery period your mood will swing up and down. You can’t change how you feel in an instant or control all situations but I hope these depression tips give you a self help tool to battle and cope with your low moods. Dealing with the depression side is harder to cope with than 

I know it's not easy. Panic, anxiety and fear all fuel depression and form part of the sadness and uncertainly ruling your head. You need to confront these mind attacks and understand the triggers to what feel like threatening and difficult situations to manage.