Bipolar Jokes and Funny Manic Depression

Bipolar Jokes:

Here are a collection of bipolar jokes, bipolar tweets and quotes to cheer you up. Some are dark, some are cheesy, all are hilarious or at least they felt that way at the time. I'm laughing and crying with you. Hope they keep you smiling or at least raise a bleak grin. When you don't see the funny side you are missing out on enjoying life.

Humour is a good coping mechanism and a positive way to deal with and overcome  bad events that happen in your life. Humour can help us face our demons and also shield us from them. You have to laugh or you'll cry.

To laugh at the absurdity and insanity of the world may be the only thing that keeps the us alive. To giggle at tragedy gives you hope and ownership, the power to laugh in the face of death.

A sick joke allows you to look at your mental illness with a smile. If you can keep smiling than you haven't failed.
It is clear from the "tears of a clown" cliché that mental health and comedy intertwine.

Understanding what is bipolar disorder and what it means to have “Bipolar Disorder” then educating others about the illness is more important than how it’s spelt. As long as we all agree that BIPOLAR moods are BIDIRECTIONAL and we never confuse bipolar with BISEXUAL we should be OK.

Above the despair is humour and fun which puts a positive spin on the darkness. Laugher and dark comedy is good therapy. Mocking your own pain and suffering can help ease and take the hurt away. I believe it's an essential part of the healing and recovery process.

Some might say I make light of the subject of mental illness. I don't make light of mental illness or insult the mentally ill because I am one of them. Laughing maybe the cure for insanity.

I fully understand that madness isn't funny at the time. I know all too well that mental health is serious. I've been there and gone through it many times. However they also say that laughter is the best medicine. Unless you laugh for no reason, in which case you need medication. Sometimes best therapy on the market is kicking people who stereotype you in the bollocks.

The symptoms of bipolar can seem confusing - Peace, Love, Harmony followed by dark and lonely periods. It can seem like suffers have lots of personalities. I hate being called bipolar schizophrenic, we think it’s brilliant.

Bipolar Sport:

Bipolar Sport is experienced mainly by football supporters or other sports fans and is dominant in men. Sufferers experience severe mood swings from anger, frustration and hopelessness, normally when their team or sporting hero’s underperformed or losing. When their heroes secure a victory, win an important event or lift a trophy this will result in high mania and they won’t be able to sleep, stop talking or gloating about the glory for weeks, months or even years after. Unfortunately there is no available medication or cure for bipolar sport because it’s fuelled by passion so all non-sports fans mush also suffer the effects of this terrible mental illness.

Bipolar Jokes, Depressive Tweets and my Funny Bipolar Chats

·         People say am trapped in misery, suffering and agony. That’s not depression, that’s called marriage.
·         Some people often ask me “What’s it’s like living with Manic Depression?” I smile and tell them “My wife’s called Jennifer not Manic Depression”
·         I am a bipolar businessman. I have buzzing highs and unprofitable lows.
·         Recent studies show that 92% of workers become depressed when comparing their gross and net income.
·         In exactly one earth hour I will take over and conquer the planet with my bipolar mania powers.
·         I'm out rapid cycling today. It’s all uphill then downhill from here.
·         Bipolar Lawyer – Attorney in law and mental disorder.
·         Bipolar IT Support – “Switch it off and on again, switch it off and on again”
·         “It’s a trap” – Paranoid Bipolar Stars War Fan out shopping.
·         A manic depressive walks into a newsagent to buy the daily paper. It costs 45 pence. He spends £45.
·         Thank you for taking out our Bipolar Spending Protection Plan. Your Mother must now accompany you for any purchases over £15.
·         A Bipolar Bear walks into a bar. “Why the long face?” asks the barman. “It’s the price of your beer mate”
·         A manic depressive walks into a bar. Clumsy bastard.

Daughter: "Dad with your mental illness do you hear screaming voices in your head"
Me: "No, the only screaming voice I hear is mainly your Mothers"

Wife: "You and your bipolar can be so hard to live with sometimes!"
Me: "I know. It’s like I turn into my mother in law"

Wife: "Are you OK?"
Me: "I'm not feeling myself today. Can you do it for me" * Rude gesture *
Wife: "You're a dirty old man"

Wife: "Can you tidy the living room, vac upstairs, wash the windows, do the dishes, fix the cupboard and prepare some tea for when I get back"
Me: "I'm not feeling that manic today"

Wife: "Hugh Jackman is so sexy and fit"
Me: "He's not my type. I am bipolar, not bisexual"

Son: "Despite your funny face and mental health issues I still love you"
Me: "Despite you been adopted I love you too"

Son: "Dad, I'm worried that I might develop bipolar like you when am older"
Me: "Don't worry if you do you can go into politics. That's a career full of two faced arseholes"

Son: "Do you think I'll genetically inherited bipolar from you?"  
Me: "No, the only thing you inherited from me was my stunning good looks and ability to bullshit"

Colleague: "When we’re out tonight don’t attract the bouncers with your manic behaviour”
Me: "OK, as long as you don't scare off the ladies with your dance moves"

Colleague: “Are you feeling down and worthless because of depression?”
Me: “No, my wallet is empty”
I find humour often breaks the tension and stigma when people don’t fully understand your illness. It helps them lower their guard and more likely to listen than run away screaming.

These entertaining mental illness conversations may help us openly discuss mental health.