Sunday 7 February 2021

Valentine’s Day on a Budget

Jen always insists that I don't waste money on crazy Valentine gifts anymore. She's always strict with money because I find spending money on her and chocolate far too easy.

There is no doubt we should show the ones we love how much we love them but Valentine's Day puts pressure on men and women to buy something special. When we first met my spending on her was crazy, expensive jewellery, surprise trips abroad, costly dinners/wine, designer clothes and bags.

Bipolar and money don’t always go well together. In the end Jen told me to stop spending all this money on her. She knows I love her so why keep wasting money to prove something so already knows. Why have all the guilt and stress of Valentine Shopping when our love can be shown all year round.

Of course she is right because we show our love for each other every day so why should we waste money in honour of a yearly mass marketing event. If you've ever bought rose for Valentine's day the prices are expensive and more inflated.

Every month we have a stay in date night where one of us cooks the other a nice meal, most months I buy her fresh flowers for the kitchen display and she buys me things for the allotment and a four pack of beer for Friday nights.

For many loving couples Valentine’s Day is just another day and they find that spending the day together is all that's needed. However the marketing media see it as an opportunity to brand it as a holiday of love and romance. We already celebrate our wedding anniversaries so there's no need for a wild spending feast on the 14th of February.

Every Valentine’s Day men and women spend a great deal of money on surprise gifts for their loved ones. I don't have a problem with Valentine's Day but it has turned into selling event which places pressures on people to overspend and even get into debt.

Even if Valentine's Day feels special to you both it doesn’t have to break the bank or your budget. You can show your partner how much you love them without spending a fortune. I hope these money saving Valentines tips help you and give you some cost cutting ideas:

Create a Handmade Valentine Card

Making your own handmade Valentine means so much more than buying one or giving her a box of chocolates. If you are the arty or artist type creating a handmade Valentines card makes the event close and personal. Buy some card, felt tips and paint from your stationary shop and go wild.

Write a Love Letter or Poem

Writing a love letter or a poem to your partner is a romantic and loving gesture, far best than a bought gift. Write how you feel about your spouse in your own words and how much you love and care for them. What are the special memories that you have shared together to bond your love forever?

Create a Romantic Music Playlist

A great valentine gift is to create a playlist that your own half will love you more for. Creating a CD or playlist of her favourite songs is certainly cheaper than paying for live music or gig tickets. Creating a music playlist alongside a homemade romantic dinner will hit the spot and set the mood.

If you play an instrument or have a half decent singing voice you may also consider writing a valentine's day love song for your partner to help melt her heart.

Start a Love Journal Together

Another inexpensive gift idea for a Valentine’s Day is to start a journal or photo album together. With an empty journal you can fill it up together with heartfelt memoires, writing as a couple and pictures of your kids.

Make a Romantic Home Dinner

You don’t have to go on an expensive restaurant date to have a romantic Valentines meal, you can cook your partners favourite food at home for a fraction of the cost. All you require is some advance planning by purchasing the ingredients ahead of time and learning how to cook it if it's a tricky meal to prepare.

Cooking dinner on Valentine's Day and enjoying it as a couple is cheaper and more relaxing than eating out at a restaurant that will charge you a fortune. Going out and making reservations in advance at highly sought food places saves on stress and money. Many popular restaurants are too crowded for a relaxing romantic meal and dirty talk.

To make it special the meal you prepare must last longer than your usually mealtime so you plan for two or three courses with a nice dessert. If you are a terrible cook then you might want to consider making the meal together as a team or ordering a takeout.

To make it a special night set the mood and romantic atmosphere by lighting some candles, aromatic sticks, some fresh flowers and buying a bottle of wine if you enjoy alcohol together.

You can also put on the playlist you made, enjoy a movie with popcorn and the two of you can spend quality time together and have a wonderful evening enjoying each other's company.

I'm sure your loved one and you will have a great time and enjoy a double dessert, wink, wink. If you have children you might want to get them out of the way for the evening or put them to bed early so the night is just for you two.

Special Gestures

One example of a low cost Valentine’s Day surprise and a very simple and romantic idea is to do the chores around the house or finish that piece of DIY you've being promising to finish for months.

Free and special gestures are the most inexpensive gift idea for Valentine’s Day. When you're in a deep meaningful relationship I believe Valentine gifts and material possession tend not to matter as much as in the early years of dating and relationships.

You can show someone you love them without purchasing gifts and they will love you for it. It's the thought that counts and that can include doing jobs around the house that your partner might normally do, like cleaning up, doing the dishes, letting them have a lie in bed or cooking and serving them breakfast in bed.

Usually it's the little things in life and small gestures we appreciate are what glues a relationship together and they don't cost a bean. Being there and helping each other is the most precious gift of all.

Show Them You Love Them

You can express yourself freely on Valentine’s Day. It is possible to do Valentine on a budget. Let your imagination go wild.

A great Valentine’s Day gift doesn't have to be expensive and can be more affordable than the traditional clichés . There are many inexpensive Valentine’s Day gifts you can buy that will have meaning for your partner. Instead of buying a bunch of roses can you buy cheaper flowers or a single red rose. Also for the green finger among you how about buying a seeds or plants you can watch grow and flourish in the garden.

Valentine’s Day isn’t all about giving lavish presents and gifts, it's about appreciating each other and those personal touches that make it special. I hope I've given you some inspiration. By being creative there are many affordable ways to show you love someone. By creating experiences, happy memories and something unique that your loved one will cherish forever.

Happy Valentine’s Day, love ya.

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