Sunday 8 December 2019

Under The Tories

Image result for boris johnson funny face

See this Tory, it might seem funny and friendly, maybe even harmless to some supporters. In reality it's a fibbing idiot of pure evil.

Conservatives lies spread like poison ivy and this Tory is terrible at telling the truth.

I kid you not that a some people where I work are intending to vote for Boris's Brexit's because "things will be better". Please don't be blinded or pretend not to know any better, the government has had nearly ten years to improve things. The greatest trick and biggest fraud that Tory's play is pretending to care.

The Tory Party are badass for the common worker and help promote suffering and poverty. Their policies are designed to help the rich get richer from the backs of the worker.

Under the Tories the NHS is for sale, public services suffer, our rights are taken away, communities are divided, the climate is at risk and there is an "oven ready Brexit" which will take years to cook.

If the Tories get an overall majority come 12 December who will you blame the most? Some voters are like zombies without a brain. These voters will place an X and hope for the best. They'll wander aimlessly thinking the far right Tory MPs will look after them and while their family finances take a licking.

Don't be lame and support the elite 1% who pretend to be on the side of the other 99%. The bottom line is that tons of people will suffer, household debts will increase and a Tory government will bring more misery and misfortune for the majority of us.

You certainly don't need to be a political genius to see the damage the Tories and overpaid bankers have done to the UK over the last 11 years so please stop voting these lying two faced bloodsuckers into power. They are not on your side.

All this mess and political chaos was deliberately caused by the Conservatives greed and lust for control, along with some Lib Dem support too.