Freedom of Hate Speech

Freedom of speech is great motherfuckers! It's essential to a democracy and grants us rights to express ourselves and share our opinions. Freedom of hate speech isn't so cool and we don't have to listen to it.

I'll never attack freedom of speech but I will attack hate speech. The excuse for journalism in the Sun newspaper and Daily Mail are prime examples of freedom of hate speech, as well as far right news sites like Breitbart, InfoWars and Rebel News Network.

Even mainstream TV media and radio have given a platform to vent their nasty views. Over recent years we've seen more TV appearances from people with a dark alt-right ideologue. And then you have the Twitter accounts and bots that spread vulgar views and hateful messages. The way in which social media is used to spread fake news to divide people is scary.

Thanks to prominent far right celebrities our green and pleasant lands are turning sour as inequality and injustice take over from compassion and tolerance. Fascists seem to be in fashion. With Brexit and the general election the tone has shifted towards the right with right-wing ideas growing more popular.

Hate is a dangerous yet profitable business as people donate to campaigns and support websites that hide the facts and distort the truth to stir up hate for profit. It's hardly surprising that racist rags and propaganda sites don't have any objectivity,  impartiality or responsibility for ensuring the accurately of their content.

I'm not against opposing views to mine or suggesting censorship but publishing lies, hate and vile stories to further a politic agenda or make money is a low life dick move. It's easy to stir up hatred to gain attention and society need to challenge people with obnoxious opinions and views that are harmful to society and the environment.

We should pride Britain on diversity and equal opportunity certain groups are facing shocking discrimination. Bigotry and hate is increasing. The sharp rise in the number of people holding extreme right-wing views are reaching record highs. Since the result of the Brexit referendum there has been a rise in violent hate crimes against Muslims, Jews and the LGBT community. The troubling thing is this seems to be the new normal.

Statistically our nation is becoming less tolerant and politics mustn't fuel intolerance. Politicians and the parts of the media reinforce negative stereotypes about these groups which reinforce the beliefs as an endorsement of hate.

The news coverage and leave campaigns labelled immigration, minority groups and the European Union as the cause of the UK's problems. Fear is a primary emotion and scaremongering is a easy way to unite people who feel left behind without a voice.

The dangerous and cheap political point scoring seeked to blame the EU and foreign people as the reason the working class suffered and had set the wheels in motion. The real project fear was that the EU and immigrants were the threat.  The rhetoric of the Leave campaign was poisonous and found to have broken Electoral Law, but that didn't matter, the seed of hate was planted and allowed to grow.

I find it disturbing that the likes of Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage represent the majority of Britain's political position. And the atmosphere that Trump has created lets pure nationalism and racist toads flourish while claiming to drain the swamp, when in reality they are the swamp that devalues society to remain in power.

There are no a legitimate reasons to support the far right, alt right or neo-Nazism, nor give them permission to share hateful ideas and ideologies. All these beliefs go against the humankind.

The murder of Jo Cox and attacks on mosques were carried out by people with extremely right wing views. Intolerance will always exist and hate speech works both ways and as Islamist extremism also poses a threat with the  Manchester Bombing and London Bridge attack.

The world seems to be going backwards with outdated views and religious hate bubbling up. The Reason The Worlds a Shithole is because the system we've built is designed to be unfair and Politics and Greed Have Gone Mad.

And while hate, fake news and miss-education are allowed a platform it destroys our democracy and keeps haters in power. The evil political elite have no real interest in our lives or wellbeing they only want to fuel your intolerances so you vote for them and keep them in power.

Free speech and difference of opinion is one thing but spreading hate and division damages society and is inexcusable. How we treat each other is disgusting and all sectors of society should be treated fairly and will respect.

In this modern age with all our equality laws, employment diversity training and two world wars later it's hard to swallow that blatant racism and hate still operates around the world.

And why it operates is to keep you under control and to blame others for the governments failures and mistakes? It's not the EU's fault, the Labour party's fault, the immigrants fault or the faggots who live across the street that your life sucks arse. Take some fucking responsibility for once in your life you sad bastard.

It's easier to blame everybody else, discriminate and attack others for your own failures than take responsibility for your own actions.

As my post: TakingBack Control of the Un-United Kingdom states - "If you want to "take back control" as promised you need to learn to think for yourself and stop making excuses. Tell your own story and never blame others or your situation for not having the things and lifestyle you want."

The leave slogan of "Taking Back Control" was never about giving power to the people, we already had these rights thanks to global free trade and freedom of movement. What it was really was about was the rich been able to avoid paying tax and calling it "the will of the people".

Any threat to democracy and justice is a seriously worrying prospect and at times free speech needs to be been restricted and constrained to stop sponsored hate and lies.  Clearly there's work to be done in finding the root causes to the problem and why we discriminate against ethnicities and diversity.

The absence of any real decline in discrimination and hate is clear to see. The messages displayed throughout the media and key figures is clearly tapping in to deeply rooted bias. Hate filled social media influencers and right wing activists who promote hate speech also need to carry some of the responsibility as they incite tensions between people.

With a platform they claim it's their right to freedom of speech and expression when it's just a cover for hate speech to stir up trouble and make money with donations and merchandise.

Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions yet you'll find that people who produce hate speech have a habit of calling people who don't like their extreme views or are easily offended as snowflakes, we'll fuck them. At times free speech crosses the line to hate speech and discrimination.

Protesters complaining and demanding less civil rights for others and more for themselves is how hate speech tends to work. It seeks to oppress human rights disguised as opinion and free speech.

Does a Muslim women wearing a hijab upset you, do gay people really impact your life,  are immigrate doctors,  nurses and strawberry pickers sponging off the economy, does being a part of the EU really affect your livelihood and ability to make choices. The answer is no.

What we are talking about are harmful ideas and dark visions that play on fears which results in tribalism and polarisation to win a vote or earn some cash. When really it should be about knowing the difference between right and wrong.

It would seem equality for all still has a long way to go and remains an injustice throughout the world. The far-right movement, New Right, "white nationalists", ISIS, Al Qaeda and any form of hate and terror is a threat to society and civilisation. The UK should be a united and freedom loving country where different views and cultures can thrive together. We should pride Britain on a diverse and equal society that reflects the many ethnic groups and minorities that make up Britain.