The Reason The Worlds a Shithole

The reason the worlds a shithole is because you and your next door neighbour tolerate bullshit. Not just my bullshit but the inaccurate medias lies, the fibs that are told to influence your behaviour or the prejudice that we all have for others without a shred of evidence.
Prejudice exists because the world and the system we built is designed to be unfair.

·        Companies that make billions avoid and wiggle out of paying tax. That's unfair.
·        Your best friend is killed and the killer goes unpunished. That's unfair.
·        Some people are rich while others live in extreme poverty. That's unfair.
·        We judge people without getting to know or understand them. That's unfair.
·        Woman get paid less than men and have to go through child birth. That's unfair.
·        Liverpool haven't won the league. That's unfair.
·        The fair never comes to your town. That's no-fair.

Lots of things in life are unfair.

Biology is unfair too. I was born with and developed mental health issues that weren't my fault. They were built in without me having a choice in the matter.

And when the system and biology is unfair we usually do four things:

1.    We blame others or do things to make us feel better.
2.    We give up trying on the future, act selfishly and destructively.
3.    We moan but do nothing about it.
4.    We make a stand for justice and fight.

I've done all of these things. When I was in my teens and twenties I blamed everyone else because I wasn't honest with myself about how my mental condition was affecting me and others. When I gave up on the future I tried to commit suicide or take substances to escape and feel better. I moaned about the world but did nothing about it.

I’m still not sure how I feel. Sometimes I've never really been able to handle my emotions and moods. In short I've been an emotional mess but there is one human emotion that seem to be lacking. That emotion is shock. When was the last time you were shocked by something you read or saw on the TV?

I still get impressed, even surprised yet never shocked at the stuff going on in the world. The world is full of idiots. I'm one of them.

I don't need to tell you the worlds unfair and a total mess. Just watch the news. War, disease and nasty things happen every day. 

There probably is a long list of things that drive me mad. Mainly it's other humans. Humans are stupid. Some are so silly and dumb they them piss me off.

When I get mad, get upset, feel down or come home lost in my hate for my arsehole boss or because the IT department can't fix my email issue. Jen told me "Help other people, that will make you smile" and she is right helping other people is important. I know this yet sometimes I'm trapped in my own little world and forget to do the little things that make a big difference. A great little tip to help you is to remember that simple kindness and helping others helps you on the inside.

I'm a natural worrier and batter my own self esteem. Fear and stress never work well together. Jen has taught me how to cope with my mental illness. Her love and tolerance has done that. I worship that lady. Helping others means a better life. Jen and my children help me remember that. Only together can we grow stronger. Be better, think smarter, eat more vegetables and don't become one.

Love is the only wisdom. I'm often trying to cheer people up, cheering them makes me feel better. If you want to easily get in a positive mood think about love.

Love conquers all. Love and nuclear missiles.