Saturday 2 November 2019

Taking Back Control of the Un-United Kingdom

We are at a time when the United Kingdom is at a cross roads, the place where it is at its most divided and hateful, making us more alone and afraid than ever. We are no longer the embracing or the united kingdom of different cultures.

When Brexit and Trump came along the unpleasantness came out and all of a sudden it was OK to declared your hatred for others who weren't like you. We blamed and stereotyped like cats hate dogs, mice hate cats and told the relationship between them could never work.

Society is good at abandoning each other and finding common ground to attack and chew each other people to pieces. People don't want news or facts they want to seek out things that support their biases views.

Nowadays we all experience a social anxiety and terror because that is the state that the media and organisations want us in - broken, scared and angry. We are easier to control and manipulate in these states. The more remote and distance you feel the more you believe the lies written in the darkness. The blind are easier to lead, without the ability to see you'll believe anything and follow anyone.

In a world of greed, jealousy, stress, tension and despair it's time to take back control of your life. One day your heart will stop beating and you'll be dead. What are you going to do in the meantime while you're waiting for that day to come?

If you want to "take back control" as promised you need to learn to think for yourself and stop making excuses. Tell your own story and never blame others or your situation for not having the things and lifestyle you want.

I've learn and know only too well to expect nothing for doing nothing. Don't cheat yourself. It is you who has to change, make the changes and put the work. Fear generates more fear. Instead focus your energy on the positive, be patient with others and yourself. Spread some joy, share your pain to help others and keep your sense of humour intact.

Connect with people, work as a team, take care of each other, pay your taxes. Build your life around love and generosity, not hate or greed. Do things with love.

Don't buy from corrupt companies or do business with organisations that do more harm than good. The types that use slave labour, spread hate, damage the environment, fail to pay taxes and put profit before people.

Our tax pays for our NHS, education system, roads and other public services. If a company doesn't pay its taxes then stop buying from them. Tax dodgers are scum because they don't play fair and pay their share. Tax criminals, big business and rich people seem to be allowed to cheat the system, costing the UK billions of pounds a year in lost revenue.

The sickening thing is I was tax avoiding scum once. Working in the drug underworld, taking back-handers, evading tax, making money without declaring my income and hurting people.

These days I try and switch off from the digital world, go offline, play the bass. Take a break from the TV and Internet, put my phone down, go outside and get some exercise. Doing those things will let you take back control. Follow this advice and you'll discover a worthy life and a better world with less suffering. After all, if a so called crazy man can do it why can’t you?