Wednesday 20 May 2020

The COVID 19 Coronavirus

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Outbreak | Homeless Link

It is so crushing to see so many dead from Covid 19 across the world. Many countries have a hidden coronavirus pandemic where the official numbers are only the tip of the iceberg. Every day the figures are released and behind the numbers family and friends are left suffering unable to say their goodbyes.

We are told about flatting the curve and at the same time the graphs sky rocket at an alarming rate and countries are overwhelmed by body bags. Funeral parlours and morgues across the world are overflowing. What is the true number? I never believe a single word government says.

These are some of the toughest times we’ve faced The Covid 19 virus has triggered a devastating attack on peoples' lives and livelihoods. The economic crisis has been felt across the world, the worst in our lifetimes. The UK economy has haemorrhaged around 7 million jobs in April with people furloughed and the biggest drop in GDP in 300 years.

The front lines haven't been funded correctly for years. In the UK it's nothing new that since the banks went bust and the Tories took over that our NHS and public service aren't funded correctly. Over the last ten years we've seen so many cuts to health and social care services. Especially mental health services as I point out in my post: NHS cuts to mental health services.

In the UK we are told to pull together for a life and death public crisis. And yet who will take care of seniors, people with disabilities, domestic violence victims and the  most vulnerable people in society? We have to make sure kids get to school safely and have a clean, safe learning environment to return back home.

Only a few months ago world leaders and the certain media were calling Covid 19 a hoax or a mild flu. Later they would tell us to drink bleach and inject disinfectant to kill it.

Life hangs in the balance right now and governments across the world need to be held account for taking care of our communities and public safety. We need public service workers now more than ever. I thank the NHS staff, our carers and keyworkers for the courage they show every single day. I offer high praise to our NHS.

In the mist of the pandemic our government ignored the crisis in care homes and failed to test and manage the risk. The Nightingale hospitals that were built were just cosmetic with a lack of staff and equipment otherwise they could have used them instead of shipping the virus into care homes.

We could have stopped the pandemic in its tracks if governments used joined up thinking and took steps to perform testing, tracing, provided PPE and locked down the country and borders quicker. These are the things that could have suppressed Covid 19 and prevented so many deaths.

In all this Boris Johnson was always going to ousted and exposed. The lazy buffoon can't even be bothered to do the press conferences each day to face journalists questions and is hiding behind his Tory monkeys.

Now the agenda is just a scramble to get kids back to school and the economy back up and running. The dangers of reopening the schools and economy too soon could spark a second wave of infection and shutdown - sending us back to square one and even higher death tolls. Saving lives should always take priority over the economy or you kill the economy.

The bad news is more job losses and the deep economic downturn is still to come. As we head into recession us Brits have Brexit to face where we are burning trade agreements with our closest neighbours.

Over the next few years the recession will turn into a depression. I doubt capitalism will delivery for the poor and the peasants who eat from food banks. Which means more people dying and the death rates raising. Across the world our leadership is failing society and the planet.

Do the working class Boris lovers and Trump supporters really think they care about them and we are "IN IT TOGETHER?", if they do then they are brainwashed fools believing in political marketing slogans and fake news branded as real news.

Parliament and Congress that have a right wing agenda never deliver for the people that they are meant to protect and look after. They just want to remain in power and earn a fortune while the workers die.

Wake up and Stay Alert! Be on your guard. Don't let the virus sneak up on you during the bank holiday and be aware of sound bites and meaningless slogans.

In solidarity and harmony I hope God spares the rest of us.

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