Politics and Greed Gone Mad

If there ever was something to complain about it has to be politics. What a waste of space most politicians are. If politicians were true professionals and they actually cared the about the people the world would be an awesome place to live. Sadly it's not.
Politicians may be the second most useless thing in the world after a chocolate fireguard. They have no function. Yet you can eat melted chocolate. Have you ever eaten a politician? They are hard to swallow, just like the promises they make.
One would think that politics goal is to serve the people who voted them into power based on the pledges and policies they make. In a democracy that's the system. The problem is politics still represents an old class system with dark motives.
I believe that everyone should be treated equally and given the same opportunities. I hope you believe that too. Rules that apply to one should also apply to another. This is how justice is served, regardless of who you are. I refuse to accept that politics can't work for everyone.
Politics is purposeless if it fails humanity. It's common touch is gone and it feels remote from the people. Politicians don't answer important questions. They are unable to provide "yes" or "no" answers and when they do they may be fibbing to us to gain votes into power.
I'd like to think you begin a career in politics to make a positive difference to the world not line my own pockets. The system is corrupted by money, power and meaningless marketing slogans. If I earned an MP's salary and I wasn't changing things for the greater good it would feel as if I was sponging off taxpayers and robbing people by not meeting my job description.
And this raise the point of what is a politicians job description? What is the role of politician in today's society? Shouldn't they be here to look after everybody's welfare, to repair and improve things that are broken with the world.
Politics fails because it creates apathy through a lack of engagement with people. The reason people voted for Brexit and why many are leaning towards the right is because they want to be listened to.
Many have also been sucked into believing the bullshit that appears in the media and fake news that circulates social media without even thinking if it's true.
Politics is in a dangerous state because it doesn't listen and create a fairer society. Politics is leaving people behind. What's the use of a Parliament that does that?
The democracy system no longer encourages us to get involved. Each day we edge closer to more hate, fear and selfishness because people feel abandoned.
Politics is mad because it's always in conflict with the world. It changes things that make matters worse or better for certain types of people.
Policy decisions are always changing instead of making an advancement and improvement for society as a whole. It's not just my own country that is going down the pan it's society and the planet as a whole. There must be an alternative option to this crazy system.
We need fresh ideas, technology for positive change, new skills and training to improve our schools and education, build the best health care system and our save public services and planet.
Governments turn too restrictive when they head too far to the left and they turn rotten when they turn too far to the right. I've voted in every general election since 1983. From there every government voted in shifts the blame for failures on the last government.
I blame the current government, the last government and every government in the world for not making the world a better place. Every time we take a step forward each elected government reverses previous government policy. The law changes to cater for whoever is in power. It creates exceptions to the rules, which is discriminatory.
The media of the state will tell you how to think and feel. The stress is too much. I've finally decide that politics is unfit for purpose, it is pathetic, it's madness. Politics is painful and getting worse. Where are its principles, how is it doing good?
I hate politics but I still vote so I'm entitled to have a bitch about the price of beer, the cost of petrol and the state of the union. You can't ignore capitalism or politics and mind your own business as it pull the legs off the public services and the environment. Somebody has to be held to account for all the wrongdoing.
I'm concerned where tax payers money is spent. Society sucks when we are closing down libraries, reducing doctors, nurses, police yet have the finance to buy nuclear submarines, pay for politicians house extensions and golf trips.
We think short term. The real force behind any country are its people. All our lives should be better under a credible and caring government. A place of peace and freedom.
I just want a fairer system, cheap booze, not all talk and no action. I want things to get better for the future.
I want my country and planet back from corrupt companies, fake media and power crazy fools. The reason we have a broken Britain and broken brains is because governments perform well at betraying our trust and worse still social media fuels the hate and lies.
I make no claims to represent every person on the planet but what does it say about us when we let this happen? Call this a "society" when evil and wrong doing is permitted.
Greedy capitalism and politics is an outrageous way to run the world. How do they get away with it? All it seems to do it damage the planet and its people. Maybe one day politics will win the people back. Until then lets run with chaos until the destruction of the Earth.
I'll take my chances in a spaceship. The worlds a shithole nowadays, fortunately the Dalai Lama and I can watch it from the safety of our secret Moon base.