Thursday 14 November 2019

Broken into Three

In mania my brain doesn't always engage before acting. My mouth speaks without thinking. I have potty mouth mania. Sometimes I say or do insensitive or inappropriate things. Things you might disagree with. Please get the fuck over it.

Sure you have the right to be upset but not the right to act like a jerk. If at any time you feel I've offended you don't worry I'm probably been honest with you. It's not a sin to speak your mind. It's a sin to let bad things happen to good people.

In mania you can turn people off with your wild and disgraceful behaviour and with  depression you can push people away with your morbid outlook.

Go-getting mania can sometime come across as aggressive and over the top. The problem is the false sense of security, of thinking I'm awesome and fucking invincible.

Sure I have a drop of class, etiquette and energy which used to be able to charm the ladies. Who doesn't want to have some fun?

However you're probably aware that mania isn't all glamour and shagging beautiful women. It has the other side of the coin too. The comedown. The depression side and hidden part of bipolar.

None of this is my fault. Sometimes I can't fend off my thoughts and feelings and they overwhelm me. This has been happening for most of my life. I wish I could sue myself for emotional damage. One third of me would be loaded.

I say one third because like my Twitter avatar bipolar is actually divided into three states. The prefix "bi" is Latin meaning two/double. The two mood states are mania and depression, but there is also a third state in the middle. The state of being perfect fine and stable.

Bipolar sufferers aren't always in a constant changing flux of moods. Sure we have our wild highs, deep lows and dashed hopes but mainly the our lives stay in between the middle zone. For science sake let's call that "the normal zone". We are usually very sane and sensible in this zone. Our doctors like us there. We want to remain there but it doesn't always work out like that.

Sometimes we get angry or upset like other humans. Are minds race, passions fire up or our pain knocks us down. Our minds and moods seem to switch and change like an identity crisis. We can't find that balance or medication to bring us back to the middle. We become lost souls in a game of emotional ping-pong.

These are the contrasting situations of two worlds and emotional environments in our minds. We are broken into three. Most of the time we are in the natural normal zone, however our bi-states can crash either side. While my emotions can sweep in all directions my mental illness doesn't and hasn't always dominated my life.

You can judge and stereotype away with your narrow mind. Again none of this is our fault. We are born this way but it doesn't make us mutants. The really the villain here is the stigma and lack of education about mental illness. The stigma keeps us out of the good zone. It makes us feel worse about ourselves.

Our moods are already disjointed. I don't intentional what to upset you or you to think ill of me. It's true that I'm ill, but not all the time. Although you can feel great one day and the complete opposite the next there are often wide gaps between mania and depressive episodes.

The changes can seem extreme and volatile but we still care in-between what may look wild and random behaviour. I always try and be nice to people but not so nice to myself.

You may not like or agree with what I say or do. It's possible you have very different views than me. Some readers may find them offensive or take things the wrong way. I'm not in the habit of purposefully offending or upsetting people.

Sometimes I speak my mind avoiding any conscience or polite political correctness. The best way of explaining what I feel and think it is with my thoughts and ideas. They may be controversial or weird to you. Political correctness is mad because it stops free speech and expression.

I've been a radical extremist since I learned to walk and talk. Sometimes it's rare I stop to think or worry about the consequences of my actions. I push the envelope to the outer edges of my beliefs. I bet you do the same about things you are passionate about.

The word "Extremism" has been hijacked for use in the media for religious, political terrorism and forcing your views onto others - I'd never do that. Are you a radical extremist too? I'm an extremist when it comes to finding my next meal or protecting the environment.

If you get upset please leave. Don't demonise me for having an opinion or mental health issues.
Blogging and social media provide us with a voice but also a platform for trolling and offensive behaviour. I understand that words can hurt but it is stick and stones that break our bones. The line is crossed when harmless mocking turns to harassment with evil intent to people who don't deserve it.

I'm not a mean person. I don't like upsetting people if they don't deserve it, I do still have a shred of humanity left. This is my place to vent and explain. To purge the negativity. In the meantime I'll try and show some restraint. I have this disease through no fault of my own.

I think at times we all fall into the three degrees. I admit I'm no saint. I've made mistakes, done some bad and shameful things. I know guilt and regret. I become angry at hate speech, discrimination and injustice. I do have some moral fibre for a fruitcake.