Thursday 11 June 2020

The Wealthy Need To Pay Their Taxes

The system we live in favours the rich and powerful. Many wealthy people don't pay the correct level of tax and big companies can pay less tax as a percentage then solo traders and small businesses do. In some company cases tax bills have been written-off.

It's easy to understand why people are angry. While the working and middle classes are expected to pay their taxes and benefit cheats are vilified for conning the welfare system the wealthy can cheat and are permitted to break the rules.

Aren't we all in this together? If the UK government are promoting "levelling up" and "one nation" then where is the fairness and transparency? If the 99% have to pay the correct amount of tax then shouldn't everybody.

Tax avoiders cost the country billions, money which could be used to improve our public services. The tax affairs of companies and personal finances of politicians, the rich and famous need to be disclosed and examined in more detail.

Wealthy friends and supporters of the Tory party seem to do very well avoiding paying their taxes. Some tax dodgers who have avoided paying tax have even been on the Queens honours list receiving OBE's.

Why don't they have to pay their share to support our public services and the vulnerable who need better services? While Sir Not Paid Tax-Alot has a brilliant lifestyle the rest of the country has suffered under 10 years of austerity.

How the fairness of the tax system operates it morally questionable. The wealth get wealthier and the poor pay the price. With the budget coming up I expect to "level up" too with a massive tax cut and a knighthood.

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