Wednesday 18 March 2020

NHS Cuts to Mental Health Services

It took many years before I finally had a diagnose for my moods swings and how my bipolar brain worked, or didn't work. These days is can take many months to get a consultant appointment and see a mental health specialist.

The problem is you can't wait for help, therapy or treatment of the mind because in many cases it can be too late because you're already dead. I have my own worrying stories to tell about attempted suicide.

All the long waiting lists of people needing mental health help isn't acceptable. Mental illness is a pressing issue for our NHS and it's about time the government funded it fully to support people in crisis. Many people need to be hospitalised and cared for straightaway.

Life threatening mental health conditions need intervention and resources immediately. For the suffer it can feel like no one cares and you're a burden to everybody and everything. Waiting for a therapy session or counselling maybe too late and any medication can take a few weeks to have a full effect.

Please remember that people take medications for all sorts of illnesses, and there is no reason to feel ashamed in taking them to improve your mood. It's important you take your medication as prescribed without missing dosages and inform your GP about how they are making you feel. Different medications have different effect on people so they need to be changed until the right medication works for you.

Experiences with NHS mental health services vary greatly for region to region. Therapy and counselling combined with medication often provides the best long term results. However the service can be lacking as mental health services are underfund and appointment can be cancelled.

The waiting lists for therapy are only getting longer due to NHS cuts and the increased cases of mental health issue people are experiencing. A three month wait or longer is too long for a consultation, especially if you don't have a complete diagnosis and you are passed around from department to department.

Referrals and appointments are taking too long for patients to be seen. Many NHS doctors and nurses are saddened that they can't do more. People can't wait for help to come and can't afford private therapists or psychologist to receive faster treatment and support.

Even if you are admitted quickly the aftercare facilities and support can be lacking in response times for many disorders. To save a life time is critical and there is no doubt that experiences and the level of mental health resources vary across the UK but the main issue is long waiting times.

This is leaving thousands of people without the help they require when they need it. While they are techniques to try and cope, such as depression tips and mania tips self help and self care doesn't always work and people need to see specialists for other mental health issues such as eating disorders and addiction.

The same thing doesn't work for everyone so procedures and approaches need to be tailored to the individual and circumstances. Feeling left in limbo and just waiting and waiting never helps sufferers and meditation can turn you into a zombie where you just feel emotional empty.

Everyday thousands of people are suffering from mental illness without the aid and care they need . The bottom line is that there simply aren't enough treatment spaces available for all the mental health problems. When someone is feeling suicidal the appointment may come too late.

The government talk and sound bites need to end and real action taken by increasing NHS funding. The government needs to make provisions for a quality end to end mental health service.

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